Design a How To… Informative Graphic/Poster explaining how to do something specific. I designed a poster explaining how to care for an Aloe Vera Plant.
These sketches display the ideas I had on how I planned to design the poster. I also had written notes and information I plan to add to my poster. Each sketch is depicted and designed to intrigue the audience whether it looks professional or creative, the goal of my sketches is to bring appeal to the audience before digitally designing them.
After completing the sketch, I then begin the digital drawing process where I decide on 2 designs from the sketch and structure them, according to my sketch and the way I chose to construct them. The feedback I received from my peers was less words and more design. There a lot of revisions needed to be made but the more revisions, the better the result.
After the peer reviews from my friends, instructors, and colleagues, changing the color palette and structure of my poster, as well as adding more design to the steps and text, above is the final result. It is a depiction of how an Aloe Vera plant should be cared for.